
Top 5 Exercises for a Hotel Room Workout

If you’re anything like me then the biggest pain about travelling for work is that it takes you out of your routine. Whether it’s your diet, sleep or work out routine, travelling interstate and overseas too often can have quite a drastic impact on your physical health.

One of the best ways to combat ways to combat this is making sure you at least get your work out on. Most hotels these days have a gym but if you’re unlucky enough to be staying at one that doesn’t have a facility, check out the below exercises you can do in your own room.

Hotels don’t need to have a gym to keep fit. With minimal extra items brought along, you can make the most of the following exercises. Each is relatively easy to do, makes very little noise, and ensures you can stay in shape when in the hotel.

1. Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are a must-have fitness plan in a hotel as they are very easy to do. Simply pack your own or use the hotel ones if they are part of the gym equipment. This is great for improving your muscular endurance, as you become used to muscular contractions over extended periods of time.

It also helps to improve yourself for handling interval training, as your body gets used to the rapid heart rates and breathing needed for typical high-intensity interval training.

2. Push ups

Push-ups are good for a full body workout that works as many fibers as possible. They are also famous for their ability to help tone the density of our muscles. This helps to counteract the signs and effects of getting older, and means that you can start to actively improve how your body looks as much as how it feels. Great for improving your core, your posture, as well as arm strength in general.

3. Squats

Squats are excellent for silent exercises that build up a much better level of balance and mobility than before. Squats improve leg strength which obviously improves our general balance and also helps our body become better at communicating between rain and bone. This prevents our body from being susceptible to falls, for one. Squats work the body, burn fat extremely and makes a nice, quiet exercise for the hotel.

4. Lunges

Another great bodyweight leg exercise you can do in the confines of a hotel room. Lunges are a great way to work out your legs, targeting the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, calves, core as well as improving lower body strength and hip flexibility.

The coolest thing about lunges is there’s so many different ways to do them – rebound, walking, with dumbbells, with medicine ball, with kettlebells, elevated, there’s a ton of options so you can focus on different parts of your body.

5. Pull ups

One of my favourite exercises to do for sure. Pull ups are a great upper-body compound movement which targets the arms, shoulders and back, and are amazing at building upper body strength.

Like lunges, pull ups are super diverse, you can adapt it in a number of ways: medium grip, wide grip, vary the speed, palms facing you (also known as a chin up) – each one targets your body in different ways so you can get a varied upper body work out with just this exercise.

Pull ups are a bit more tricky than the four exercises above as you’ll need a stable bar to do them. With any luck your hotel room might have something suitable, if not, have a walk around and see if you can find a park with pull up bars. I know, it’s not exactly a hotel room workout but close enough.

So, the next time you find yourself away on a break with work or stuck in a hotel room, switch off the TV and try out the above.

About Author

Hey there! I'm Hao, the Editor-in-Chief at Balance the Grind. We’re on a mission to showcase healthy work-life balance through interesting stories from people all over the world, in different careers and lifestyles.