Amanda Jones is the Chief Marketing Officer at Mirus Australia, a company which works on ensuring the aged care sector remains financially sustainable and focuses on the integration of people and technology.
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1) To kick things off, could you tell us a little about your background and career?
I grew up in beautiful Tasmania, Australia and have very fond memories of spending time at my Grandparents apple orchard when I was a young child.
I have lived in Perth, Western Australia, New York USA, and currently, reside in Sydney Australia. Professionally, I help people connect with customers to sell their products and services.
As a Marketing & Brand Professional with over 25 years of experience, I have been fortunate to travel, meet and work with interesting and talented people and live and work in the USA because of my career choice.
I currently work with a privately owned technology and advisory company, named the Mirus Group which was co-founded by two energetic, fun and smart entrepreneurs.
2) What is your current role and what does it entail on a day to day basis?
As the Director of Marketing and Brand, I am responsible for designing and the execution of the marketing strategy to meet the commercial goals of the business.
As I work for Entrepreneurs there is always something new and exciting waiting for my attention and support. I directly manage a diverse team of ages, culture, talents, and skills.
Day to day I am responsible for ensuring we are delivering on our goals, ensuring our team is engaged and energised by the projects they get to work on and that we are exceeding on our client’s expectations.
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3) What does a typical day in the life look like for you? Can you take us through a recent workday?
Every workday starts with coffee. This is non-negotiable.
I ensure that my team has all arrived safely and everyone is smiling! I check my priority list for the day and a quick glance at emails to ensure meetings have not changed for the day or if any communication has arrived overnight from our European team.
We have standard meetings throughout the working week and month based around our operational goals and our client’s needs.
My day-to-day activities primarily consist of ensuring my direct team and indirect have what they need to deliver our products and services, check to see if or when they need help on a project and to answer any questions they may have.
My dominant leadership style is based on a Transformational style, that is, understand and support the co-founder’s strategy and creating an environment where people can do their best work.
My day is indispersed with client and internal meetings, phone calls and engaging with my online community across many channels.
I also like to walk, stretch and purchase coffee and hydrate with water.
4) In between everything you do and all your responsibilities, how do you ensure you find some sort of balance in your life?
Balance is a work in progress, a practice, and a mindset.
About three years ago I started meditation classes with a young health professional I greatly admire. I had been managing grief after the death of a young person in our family.
I had put on weight, was managing anxiety and was not performing professionally or personally at my best.
I am finally starting to learn the importance of balance across my physical, spiritual and emotional needs and how the responsibility of balance is entirely my own.
I have incorporated swimming, meditation, walking and hiking into my life and I continue my knowledge and education on nutrition and mindfulness.
At 51 years of age, I choose low impact and strengthening exercises as my movements of choice. Although last year, I competed in my second Tough Mudder obstacle race but have vowed not to return!
Balance for me is also about remaining curious. I am fortunate to work with young professionals who teach me new ways to think, eat and move continuously and provide the confidence to try new things!
I recently started a marketing and design project with two international male models who have also been on a journey of fitness, nutrition, and wellness. I really enjoy listening to how they incorporate into their daily lives to promote peak performance and the education pathway they have both been on.
The holistic approach to balance is a journey I feel never ends. Balance is ultimately about prioritisation and curiosity.
5) What are some of the things you do to take time out and recharge?
I recharge by the world around me. I am equally recharged by a walk in the mountain, a swim at the beach or a walk through the city.
I play guitar, not very well and read/nap when I need it the most.
I now understand that I don’t need to feel guilty for taking time for me, to rest, for slow thinking and to be in the moment, whatever that means for me at the time and my level of recharge required.
I prefer one-on-one time with friends to large groups as I really like to listen to other people’s interests, their challenges and what inspires them the most.
I choose who I spend my precious downtime with carefully as I understand how some people will energise me and some will, unfortunately, take my energy from me.
6) Are there any gadgets, tools or products that you can’t live without?
I would not be a modern marketer without my iPhone. I can’t live without my weather app, calm app and guitar tuner app. I could not live without my Mac.
Everyone needs a sharp knife in their kitchen and I could not live without my Italian coffee maker.
7) Do you have any books that you love and would like to recommend?
So many! Professionally, any book sets (or online) from Harvard Business Review. Anything by Seth Godin or Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team being a firm favourite.
I recently read The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I am fascinated by historical events. Of course, this was a deeply disturbing and heinous time in history, but this book is also a love story.
I also read Leigh Sales, Any Ordinary Day. This is a book of courage and ultimately how we should wake up every day and choose and plan to do our best life.
8) What is the number one thing you do to make sure you get the most out of your day?
A to-do list. Even though we have fantastic productivity and collaboration technology platforms to choose from professionally, I still prefer a notebook, pen and the opportunity to doodle occasionally.
Before you go…
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This conversation is brought to you by The Well-Suited Group, providing premium executive support services to high level executives, who also recognise the value of work-life balance.