
Balancing the Grind with Bec Miller, Founder of Health with Bec

Bec Miller is a qualified nutritionist and founder of Health with Bec, specialising in weight loss and gut health. She is the host of the Body Bites with Bec podcast and works to help women achieve long-term, sustainable results.

Let’s start with your background! Can you share with us your career journey and what you’re currently up to?

My journey started with my own health story and transformation which truly ignited my passion and coincided with me finishing my Bachelor of Science Nutrition degree. I had chronic gut issues and was quite a restrictive eater, stuck in that yo-yo dieting cycle.

I began with working with women 1:1, making personalised meal plans for three years and helping around 5 women a week. Then, for the next three years after creating my signature program, the 3 Week Body Reset and my membership, the Health with Bec Tribe, I’ve been selling those and that is how I help women now. I gave up the 1:1 work.

Through these programs, I’ve been helping thousands of women each week worldwide finally find the answers to their bloating concerns and slim down without hunger or restriction. Every single day I get a message or a review saying that I’ve changed someone’s life and it is the most rewarding work I could ever dream of doing.

Currently, I am in the process of building a custom app, which will still contain my programs, yet be a far easier and better experience for my customers. I am extremely excited, but it has been very, very challenging bringing it to life! I am also the founder and producer of my podcast, Body Bites with Bec and I’m regularly engaging and educating women here along with my Instagram @health_with_bec.

We’d love to know what a typical day is like for you. Could you describe a recent workday?

I wake up early (around 5.30-6am), drink a large glass of water and make myself a coffee. Then, I sit down and smash out one to two hours of work. The day before, I refine my to-do list for the next day so that I wake up knowing exactly what I need to get done. I love ticking off at least one task – and one that needs my brain power the most! The mornings are my best time. Then, I’ll take a break for one to two hours to walk my dog and do some exercise before returning for my day of work at home.

Everyday is different for me, it can be made up of things such as creating content for my programs, creating social media posts, blogs or EDMs, meetings with my team or marketing team, recording podcasts and refining systems in the business. I always break for lunch at around 12-2pm for half an hour or so and try to get some sunshine. I then end my day by, quite often, talking to one of my team members and moving what I didn’t get done on my to-do list to tomorrow.

Can you define work-life balance for yourself and share with us your approach in maintaining it?

I am really serious about this one! For my first four years I didn’t have enough of it and ended up burnt out with chronic insomnia for six months. Since then, it’s been a huge priority for me to focus on it more. After all, we start businesses to have more freedom, not less right? For me, I need my one to two-hour exercise break in the morning, I have a strict boundary to switch off from work no later than 5.30pm and Sundays are always TOTALLY off from work (including replying to Instagram messages or comments).

I also try to regularly book in one or two sauna sessions a week to help me relax. I’ve also become obsessed with outsourcing more in the last three years and got myself to a point last year that has never felt more balanced in my life – working (on average) five to six-hour days and seeing the business grow because of it. I truly believe that the more you rest, the BETTER your work is. This year, however, is slightly different as the business has grown faster than I thought and I am building an app, so let’s just say that I am in a season that is busier than normal big time but I will find that optimal balance again soon I’m sure.

Change is constant, and it’s essential for growth. Have you made any lifestyle changes in the past year to improve your work-life balance?

I’ve hired even more team members to take away more tasks from my hands (for example, Facebook group post replying and monitoring).

I’ve turned on an auto-responder on Instagram, so that any enquiry is always directed to my customer support team. This has honestly been the most freeing feeling and boundary I have EVER set.

I’ve found my travel bug. A year ago it started (after not travelling overseas and focussing far too much on work for five years) and I have now been overseas six times in 12 months. Even though I work there, I always do a little less and the travel makes me feel so inspired, happy and creative.

We’re always on the lookout for new resources! Can you recommend any books, podcasts, or newsletters that have helped you in your journey towards balance?

Yes! My absolute favourite podcast is the Mind Your Business podcast by James Wedmore, which I binge regularly. I also love listening to the Manifestation Babe podcast occasionally. I love the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Before we wrap up, do you have any final words of wisdom or insights on work, life, or balance that you’d like to share with our readers?

1) Know that all challenges, lows and mistakes are incredible lessons for growth (but only if you view them in that way)

You can’t grow and learn unless you make mistakes. I have known this for quite a few years now, but it would have helped in my first year or so. I used to beat myself up and stress myself out so incredibly much when I would make mistakes, but now I view them as beautiful lessons for growth – we truly need them!

2) Systemise and Invest in more help sooner – understand that it doesn’t all have to you.

For three or so years, I was doing it ALL myself. The day I decided to systemise as many of my workflows that I could, and that weren’t in my line of genius, and outsource all customer support emails was the day that truly changed my life.

This took about a year to get done and train staff, but eventually it freed up the time for me to do things that actually scale the business and impact more women – such as creating my podcast, Body Bites with Bec, showing up more on Instagram, running more reports and working out ways to improve retention, profitability and the impact I can make on women’s lives, creating content, sending more EDMs and now, building an app!

About Author

Hey there! I'm Hao, the Editor-in-Chief at Balance the Grind. We’re on a mission to showcase healthy work-life balance through interesting stories from people all over the world, in different careers and lifestyles.