CEOs / Founders / Interviews

Balancing the Grind with Rebecca Kingsford, Co-Founder & CEO of Create Careers

Rebecca Kingsford is the Co-Founder & CEO of Create Careers, an executive search and full-service specialised recruitment consultancy.

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1) To kick things off, could you tell us a little about your career background and current role?

After five years of studying, I graduated with a double degree- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in behavioural science and marketing) and also with honours in Commerce.

When I started to seek full-time employment, the only job description that appealed to me was for a junior recruitment consultant, as it required someone who enjoyed communicating, connecting with others/networking and establishing/maintaining relationships.

I ended up securing a role working for a global recruitment agency when I graduated. At the time, they were looking for a “rookie” to set up a desk from scratch. In other words, there were no candidates or clients and I was hired to create and set up this desk in Victoria.

It was the perfect experience, as it provided the end-to-end training for a 360 consultant and also the opportunity to learn and develop ideas on how positive change could be facilitated to further enhance and add-value to the recruitment industry.

It was one day I was having a conversation with my business partner and we discussed the importance of values and how they influence who we are and our core beliefs. What surfaced was that it was essential to align our values of who we say we are and ensure our business reflects and fully integrates this ethos.

So we decided to create a company that reflected our core values and how we would like to do business with people. In our daily lives we practice and live, to the best of our abilities, the values of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, reliability and being ethical and respectful to all.

This lays the foundation of how we would like to interact, connect and do business with people.
Ultimately, we all need connection with other people to grow, evolve, be successful, thrive and be happy.

As we are people that really care for people this has lead me to where I am today, CEO and Co-Founder at Create Careers. We are an Executive Search and full-service specialised Recruitment Consultancy in Australia. Our recruitment specialisations are across C-Suite Level Appointments, Divisional Directors, Digital, E-Commerce, Marketing, PR, Big Data, AI, Cyber Security, Fraud, Risk & Compliance.

Whilst creating our own careers, we are facilitating the alignment of talent and employers to create their best careers and teams.

2) What does a day in the life look like for you? Can you take us through a recent workday?

I believe it is so important that every day you set yourself up to maximise and get the most out of your day. When I get up, I practice creating a positive and creative mindset (and it will be my life’s work continuing to refine that each day).

Creating enthusiasm, positivity and having a solution-orientated mind-set allows us to be powerful and happy regardless of what happens, as we only have control of ourselves, our actions we create and how we respond to situations.

Each day does differ, with Working From Home (WFH) my day consists of waking up early, usually doing some exercise in the morning, having my morning coffee (percolator coffee or either an almond or oat milk latte), completing a meditation, setting priorities for the day, creating a to-do list and actioning it.

Each day I check in with the team and my day consists of speaking with candidates, clients and further upskilling/learning about the industry. I complete the day by reflecting upon my to-do list / all my interactions for the day and explore what I could have done better.

If it is a major learning, I write it down in a document, so at a later stage I can re-read all my learnings and see the growth I have made over time.

3) Does your current role allow for flexible or remote working? If so, how does that fit into your life and routine?

Absolutely it does! I am my own boss, I literally can open my laptop and work from anywhere, whether that be in the office, from home, at the holiday house or even when travelling (Pre-COVID of course) overseas.

This has created so much flexibility and for me to maximise the most out of my day and what life has to offer. We all have times of the day where we are more productive, so when in the zone, I purely focus on my work and when I need a break, I take it (to either read, learn, exercise) and then get back to it.

The great thing is I can connect with the team digitally and video conference for meetings. Of course, I really enjoy meeting with people face-to-face and from a recruitment perspective, it is so important to do this.

Given we are all currently WFH due to the pandemic, I truly believe that this will accelerate new ways of working for organisations, embracing flexibility and remote working and this is already happening in real-time.

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4) What does work-life balance mean to you and how do you work to achieve that goal?

To me, it is not so much work-life balance but more work-life integration as I manage the different needs of my daily life (personally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, professionally, connections with family, friends, colleagues).

I always make sure though I have had time for myself (whether that be meditating, exercising, self-development) to ensure I am in a positive state. By being in a good frame of mind I am then able to be my best and give my best to others in my life, both personally and professionally.

I have organised my company in a way that my role works for me and not me for it! It is my way of getting the most out of life.

5) What do you think are some of the best habits or routines that you’ve developed over the years to help you achieve success in your life?

Maintaining a positive mindset. Everything is possible! Every roadblock or obstacle that arises can be overcome by having the right frame of mind, strategy, execution and taking on the learnings.

I have also learnt tools and resources to be able to meditate and work on myself to uncover limiting blocks and beliefs that no longer serve me.

By having self-awareness, it allows me to acknowledge, release self-limiting beliefs and create new neural pathways to continually move forward in all areas of my life.

6) Do you have any favourite books, podcasts or newsletters that you’d like to recommend?

There are so many books and podcasts that I love!

Here are some of my favourite books:

  • The Success Principles Workbook by Jack Canfield
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Quality podcasts include:

7) What is the number one thing you do to make sure you get the most out of your day?

I know you mentioned one but I am adding two things:

  • Have a positive mindset
  • Create a to-do list and prioritise

8) If you could read an interview about work-life balance by anyone, who would that be?

There are a couple of people in mind: Oprah Winfrey and Jacinda Ardern.

9) Do you have any last thoughts on work, life or balance that you’d like to share with our readers?

I believe that in life everything comes down to your connections. It is all about the people you know and the positive contributions you can make to others.

Always be positive, confident and believe in yourself. If you are not there yet, then work towards it as it is a daily practice and this is where your power lies from within.

Be kind, respectful and courteous regardless of what is going on around you.

Always trust your gut instinct!

Be YOU in all facets of your life, personally and professionally, as your values should align in all areas.

Always do your best.

Never feel threatened by those who are more senior to you or by titles. At the end of the day, everyone has had to start their career at some point (just like you and I) and progress within their career. So whilst years of working does contribute to experience, we are all equal and are just people at the end of the day.

Before you go…

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About Author

Hey there! I'm Hao, the Editor-in-Chief at Balance the Grind. We’re on a mission to showcase healthy work-life balance through interesting stories from people all over the world, in different careers and lifestyles.