Founders / Interviews

Balancing the Grind with Sharnee Eremas, Founder of Orenda Beauty

Sharnee Eremas is an entrepreneur and founder of Orenda Beauty, an Australian beauty brand on a mission empower women through education and self care.

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1) To kick things off, could you tell us a little about your career background and current role?

I am the founder of Orenda Beauty. We are a beauty brand with the mission of empowering women through education and self care. At this stage I am the jack of all trades while our company is still in its infancy. 

I have always been drawn to entrepreneurship ever since I read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad” when I was 16. This book, among many other books centred around self development, property investing and business, changed my whole life trajectory. Resulting in the decision to ditch university, work multiple jobs and buy a house when I was 18. 

Not saying this was a great investment, but it was certainly a huge accomplishment and motivated me to create a life outside of the 9-5 grind. 

2) What does a day in your life look like for you? Can you take us through a recent workday?

I am a mother of two boys, 1 and 3 years old. And I have committed to homeschooling my boys, so my “workday” is anything but normal. 

Flexibility is key. I will do work early in the morning, at lunchtime when my children rest and at night when they go to sleep. I find I am incredibly productive knowing that I only have a limited amount of time to get everything done.

3) Does your current role allow for flexible or remote working? If so, how does that fit into your life and routine?

Flexibility is one of the biggest motivations of owning my own brand. However, due to being a product based company I am not able to leave my work for long periods of time without hiring someone to fill orders and maintain a social media presence.

While this is certainly doable, I have trust issues leaving my third child with anyone for too long. Hiring the right person is key to a start ups success. 

4) What does work-life balance mean to you and how do you work to achieve that goal?

I am happy with my work-life balance as long as the ratio involves more living. My children are what motivate me to be successful. And success to me is being able to create moments that will last a lifetime. 

I appreciate success does not come easily and takes real determination and dedication. This is why some days I do lean on my husband for support to be able to complete my work. But I will always strive to achieve that life-work balance that puts my children first, especially while they are so young. 

5) In the past 12 months, have you started or stopped any routines or habits to change your life?

Besides starting Orenda Beauty, I have created some beautiful self care rituals and routines. My mornings start off with my skincare routine, a quick cold therapy facial massage and a cup of cacao. 

My husband and I also started up our ice baths again, following the Wim Hof Method. This involves mindset, breath work and cold therapy. We recently bought a huge freezer, which we use for our ice baths. 

I highly recommend the Wim Hof Method to anyone and everyone. The “Ice Man” will change your life!

6) Do you have any favourite books, podcasts or newsletters that you’d like to recommend?

Any podcast with Tony Robbins is a must when it comes to self development. That man ignited my love to understand why we do what we do. 

I have recently fallen in love with the relationship expert Alison Armstrong and her book Queens Code. I believe a happy marriage is something worth continually working on, and for me this was the next step. 

And while we are on the topic of marriage, my husband’s podcast The Unleashed & Unstoppable Show. Although he hasn’t been added to this library in the last 12 months, there’s some gems there about personal growth, business and mindset. 

7) Are there any products, gadgets or apps that you can’t live without?

From a business perspective, as a products based ecommerce, Canva is awesome to help create a professional social media. And the Shopify app! I can do a lot of my work from my phone, which creates so much freedom. 

Personally, I have so many health and self care products that have changed my life. My Way liver capsules, Cacao Collective for my morning cup of cacao, Life Cykel mushroom extracts and of course my Cryo Wands from Orenda Beauty. 

8) If you could read an interview about work-life balance by anyone, who would that be?  

Mum entrepreneurs! It’s tough managing work and babies. How do they handle mum guilt? What are their tips to keep their sanity?

9) Do you have any last thoughts on work, life or balance that you’d like to share with our readers?

I believe your work life balance will grow and evolve as you do. It also requires constant checking in and keeping it real with yourself. 

Instead of looking at work-life as the only two sides of the sword, I rather use the wheel of life analogy. This is made up of different areas that you want to focus on (fitness, health, family, romance, personal development, finances, work/business).

Once you know the key areas that you need to keep full in order to be happy and content, you need to check in to every single one of these areas, give yourself a score out of 10 and develop ways to improve on the areas that are lacking and need some love. 

And lastly, surrounding yourself with the right people who support the life you are striving to build. Good company is worth its weight in gold!

Before you go…

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About Author

Hey there! I'm Hao, the Editor-in-Chief at Balance the Grind. We’re on a mission to showcase healthy work-life balance through interesting stories from people all over the world, in different careers and lifestyles.