I was lucky enough to be introduced to Savvy Drinks through a friend when we were chatting about optimising time, green drinks, coffee, sleep habits, and all those kinds of things. His friend had started this business, was literally living the life in Byron Bay creating this brand, and he said these drinks had helped him—they were all he was using to keep himself sharp. So, after meeting the founder Mark to chat about it, he offered to send the Balance the Grind team some to try out.
These drinks, let me first explain, are called nootropic, meaning they are smart drugs created to improve human thinking, learning, and memory. Savvy has taken this to another level—their drinks are created by nutritionists, they use a lot more ingredients than others (25X more), and they have completed over 500 scientific studies. They claim to energise your mind, uplift your mood, sharpen your focus, and improve your well-being and mental performance. Now, we’ve all heard these things before, but I guess what you want to know is: do they work?
We were lucky enough to get a whole heap of flavours—passion fruit, mixed berry, and lemon lime—and I have to say, I liked them all. They are sugar-free and 100% natural, so there’s no crash, which I can attest to. While it’s impossible to really gauge exactly how much they help, I have to say I found they helped me a lot. No coffee crash, no sugar high, and they taste great—really subtle and without that manufactured taste you get with other energy drinks.
The other thing I want to add is I did not find them addictive. Sometimes with my personality, when I find something I like, I tend to go all in and could potentially have had one every day and finish them quickly. Instead, I only really reached for them when I felt like I needed them, so for me, this is a big thing.
So, no sugar, vegan, keto, kosher, and gluten-free—they really are for everyone. In fact, as my daughter heads toward year 12 next year, I’m going to be stocking up to help her through that in a healthy way. It’s great to see some real high-quality brands coming out of Australia, and with plans to launch a bar (as mentioned to me the other day), things are looking good for Savvy. Everyone could do with some natural sharpness, in my view—give them a go. Worst case, they’re a great-tasting drink that’s all natural. Best case, you’ll find yourself being smarter, more efficient, and slimmer!