For this edition of Workflow, we have Amanda Jones, Chief Marketing Officer at Mirus Australia, talking about how she does her best work “making aged care better.”
Describe what you do: I am the Chief Marketing Officer at Mirus Australia. We are #makingagedcarebetter with people, insights and technology to improve the financial sustainability of the aged care industry.
How do you like your coffee: Intravenously preferably or skim flat white, no sugar.
Device(s) you use: Mac desktop, iPhone 11, 13‑inch MacBook Air.
Describe your working style in one sentence: Equal parts disciplined, creativeness and the science work wrapped around the need to support my direct team, the success of our business and clients – my best thinking is done while I am walking or sitting in the sun.
What does your workspace look like: I have a squillion tabs open, a scattering of post it notes, a pile of interesting resources to read, a mousepad I purchased in Spain after walking the Camino de Santiago, a empty coffee cup, couple of bottles of water, cleaners for my glasses (that I forget to use) and because I cam currently working at home – a candle or two flickering.
Do you have a favourite playlist for work: Made for Amanda – Daily Mix, Release Radar and Discover Weekly.
Who would you like to nominate for the next workflow interview: My friend, Debra Parker.
Before you go…
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