
Workflow with Claudia Flannery, Today Show Social Media Producer

In this edition of Workflow, we have Claudia Flannery, the Social Media Producer for Nine’s Today Show, talking about how she juggles her busy schedule with a multitude of devices.

Workflow is an interview series by Balance the Grind to get a glimpse into people’s working styles and workspaces. If you’re interested in sharing your workflow, get in touch with us!

Describe what you do: I’m the Social Media Producer for the Today Show. I manage all the content that appears on the Today Show’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as assisting with the content for some of our on-air talent.

How do you like your coffee: Cappuccino – especially when it has delicious chocolate on top!

Device(s) you use: Dell desktop at work, Dell laptop and Macbook Pro laptop at home, an iPhone 11 Pro for Today Show photos and videos.

Describe your working style in one sentence: 5am – 9.30am is strictly as-it-happens content from the show so it’s always busy! After that it’s reports, mapping out the day’s content, and planning future activities such as Instagram Live’s.

What does your workspace look like: I have a desktop, my laptop, my phone, and some paper out and ready to go when I’m in the office or studio. At home I have the two laptops and phone at the ready!

Do you have a favourite playlist for work: My ‘Werk’ playlist on Spotify for sure!

Who would you like to nominate for the next workflow interview: Will Cook from We Are Different PR!

Before you go…

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Hey there! I'm Hao, the Editor-in-Chief at Balance the Grind. We’re on a mission to showcase healthy work-life balance through interesting stories from people all over the world, in different careers and lifestyles.