In this edition of Workflow, we have freelance graphic & illustration designer Elli Byrne, talking about her beautiful home office in Lennox Head, NSW.
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Describe what you do: I am a freelance graphic & illustration designer based in Lennox Head, NSW. I offer a bunch of different design services, such as graphic design, animation, illustration and art. I’m very fortunate to be able to work in different design fields and enjoy the variety of projects that come my way.
How do you like your coffee: I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I’m really not into coffee. Much more of a hot chocolate with marshmallows kind of girl.
Device(s) you use: I use a 15-inch MacBook Pro, and occasionally a Wacom when creating digital illustrations.
Describe your working style in one sentence: Unpredictable and varied. Sometimes I wish I was more into routine, but in all honesty, nighttime is when I’m at my most focussed and creative. And I love to work in different locations around the house. Every day is so different in the design industry – clients needing deadline work, meetings, contract work and more.

What does your workspace look like: I have a beautiful at-home studio/office with french doors out the veranda and a dog bed next to the desk (most important part of the workspace set-up). Some of the time it’s messy, with my art piled on the desk and canvases waiting to be painted. But when I do give it a tidy, I feel very grateful for such a bright and pretty environment to work in.
How does your workspace affect your creative process: I’m very grateful to have a home office from which I run my business. Being a creative person, I thrive in beautiful spaces and so have spent lots of time making the space feel welcoming and inspiring. Looking at my art around the room helps motivate me to create more, and having a space all to myself, means I feel free and relaxed when drawing or painting.
Do you have a favourite playlist for work: Podcasts are my jam at the moment. Especially ‘trashy’ pop culture podcasts (I’m a big reality TV fan). Also love business start-up podcasts, there are some seriously inspiring people out there.
Who would you like to nominate for the next workflow interview: The talented Nadera. You can find her beautiful art on her instagram @nadera and
Before you go…
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