In this edition of Workflow, we have Jono Alderson, Special Ops at Yoast and Founder of, talking about splitting his days between admin and heavy lifting work.
Describe what you do: I manage ‘Special Ops’ at Yoast. My job is a mix of research & development for Yoast products, staying at the cutting edge of SEO and web performance optimization, speaking at conferences, writing technical documentation, thinking about the future, and evangelising web development best practices.
I also run – a website which curates all of the world’s weird holidays and celebrations.
How do you like your coffee: Strong, just a tiny bit of milk, and no sugar. No more than three cups per day, or else I go a bit weird.
Device(s) you use: Windows laptop (the new Dell XPS 13), Galaxy S8, Kindle. Peripherals (sound, mouse, keyboard etc) are all Razer.
Describe your working style in one sentence: It depends what I’m working on, but typically mornings are good for admin and planning (clearing emails, comms, reacting to stimulus, Slack, Google, adjusting priorities, etc.), and afternoons are when I do the heavy lifting (research, writing, etc.).
What does your workspace look like: I hook my laptop up to a cooling dock, and shift my display to a large single monitor. I hop between tasks a lot, but I don’t multitask across screens. I avoid papers/pens entirely, and typically hop between my screen and my phone when I want to shift between work/personal contexts.
Do you have a favourite playlist for work: I have a weird and diverse taste in music (everything from symphonic metal, to old-school folk), so my Spotify ‘Daily Mix’ playlists provide an interesting variety as they try to blend and categorise those styles!
Who would you like to nominate for the next workflow interview: Master of all things mobile SEO and ASO, Cindy Krum!
Before you go…
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